Thursday, August 15, 2013

JOB ‘N’ WORK, the African perspective

Work is quite different from a job while the later inundates a state of being offered a chance or place to work, the other exemplify the state of using both your mental and physical effort towards creating a solution that meets needs and solves problems.
The state of being unemployed to a broad extent refers to a state of having no job and does not necessarily mean having no work. The reality is that in the society, there are thousands of works to be done, but fewer jobs to do the work, hence, the need for an enterprising initiator to cultivate and initiate a system of building an organization with a solid system inbuilt with an organic and structured system that will employ people to do the work.

In reality, there is no unemployment all we lack is “LACK OF INNOVATION”
So, the best way to solve the problem of unemployment is by encouraging and fast tracking the development of an innovative mindset spurring out creative products and services and built around a well structured organization.
The problem with Africa is that we have long been taught to be dependant and never independent. Centuries ago, we were taught to depend on our colonial masters, now we are being taught to depend on the government for virtually everything. This unequivocally stiffens creativity and promotes a state of dependency that overtime cripples our economy and gives room for bureaucracy and despondency which destroy excellent service delivery.

Hence, there is the need to promote innovative mindset in Africa. This, the government can enhance by investing in education and creating suitable and sustainable policies and systems that will promote the spirit of innovation.

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