Thursday, August 15, 2013


Organizational development is not a metaphorical paradox but rather a functionalist theory that can easily be applied to any organization of sort.
In order to fast track your organizational development from the spectrum of functionality, I guess there is the need to employ a principle propounded by Emile Durkheim. According to Emile, “the society is an organic structure with each structural part contributing its own quota to the development of that organism”
Your business as an organizational structure is an organic entity whose level of optimum efficiency depends on the quality and quantity of the products of its structural part. In order to fast track the development of your organization as an organic entity, there is the need to;

A. Make every member of your organization understand that they are all important to the health of your organization. They have to understand that they are part of a structural organism with every functioning member all contributing their own quota to the overall efficiency and development of that organism.
A dearth or inefficiency in a quota will cause a ripple effect all over the organism causing your organization as an organic system to operate below its opium.
This sensitization or awareness I believe, can be carried out through an educational system developed by the organization through training or any other educational program deemed fit and also by employing the principle of tracking to place every functional member into their area of efficiency for effective and total development of your organization.

B. Create a synaptic link that connects every arm of your organization causing the different arms of the system to work together in harmony leveraging on each other strength to deliver a superior product and service that will effectively serve the market need.

C. Establish a system that rewards outstanding organic member.

D. Also establish a mentorship program that will transmit the knowledge and experience of the past to the present for proper modification and effective integration into today’s and tomorrow economic reality.

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