Friday, December 28, 2012

RETAIL PRODUCT, “a sure way to develop your business”

There are lots of ways through which firms can fast track their development and ensure an increase in their profit base. I think and I know one of these ways is the designation of a retail product. What then is a retail product? Retail products are products that are accessed by everybody irrespective of social class at a reasonable price.
You see, one of the greatest things many organizations are not doing is the inability to develop a product that can be accessed by everybody in a particular country. Firms and organizations in my own estimation tend to make more money, leverage on economies of scale and have a wider coverage of their market base when they develop a retail product.

For instance firms like Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Mtn and other big multinationals become huge and have a large share of their respective market base just by developing and offering a retail product that can be accessed by everybody, anywhere in any country irrespective of the nation’s economy. A bottle of Coca-Cola can be bought by an American and also by a Djiboutian thus making Coca-Cola a market leader in soft drinks both in America and also in Djibouti. Hence, for firms to be able to expand their market base and become a market leader there is a need to design a retail product that can be accessed by everybody irrespective of their social class.

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