Friday, December 28, 2012


Excuse my asking guys, but guys what do you understand by the word “future”. You see, to most guys the future is something like 10, 20 years to this time. Well, sorry to disappoint you pals, the future is only a second away as a matter of fact, the future is now. So quit wasting time and join in espousing ways through which we can create a successful future and attain a more bright future.

1. Quit joking, be serious
One of the greatest bedeviling most of us “youths” is that we tend to think that the future will sort out itself and so we tend to be complacent treating everyday with impunity without laying a solid foundation for our future. Am I trying to say you shouldn’t have fun, NO I’m not saying that, As a matter of fact have fun. Fun though is not in you cruising and acting as though you own the whole world, disrespecting your elders and acting as if you’ve got it all. Fun is in you being serious enough to lay a solid foundation for your future. The quality of the success you are going to enjoy in the future will literarily depend on the quality of foundation you have set for yourself. So quit joking and start preparing for your future because the future starts NOW!! so how do you do that, well start by first understanding what will be your contribution to humanity, what service or product do you want to offer that will make life more beautiful, you have to know your service and streamline all your effort towards getting all the information, techniques and other stuffs that will make you deliver the best product. NOTICE” the quality of your service will determine how much people will be willing to pay you” so rather than Xboxing, invest your time in learning how to develop a quality service.

2. Be service conscious
Rather than combing the entire city of New York or Lagos looking for a job, please just do me a favour by asking yourself this basic question “what do I have to offer”. You see, the greatest problem people are facing is that they tend to think that all they need to be successful is for them to get a job doing anything well, any job will give you any “pay” package. We have to change our thought pattern from just getting a job that pays at the end of the month to creating services that satisfy wants and meet the needs. We have to have a productive mentality because without that we may never attain success. Lets strive to produce quality service and product that can effectively meet needs and solve problems. People will only pay us in accordance with the quality of our product.

3. Build a system
One of the main stuffs that will fast track your success is the quality of the people you build around yourself. No matter what you want to do, build a system of quality people around yourself afterall, what makes the big companies become big is the quality of their people. So, nothing stops you too from building a board of quality and well experienced people, build an “A TEAM” of successful and well versed professional that can contribute their quotas towards fast tracking your success. 4. Network, network and network with people of like minds. Anyway, if there’s anything that you have to do is to “truly be passionate about serving people because it is in serving people effectively that you will truly be successful”.

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